Day 21: Overweight Departure

Abisko to Aksoluoppal

Distance: 45km

There's not much to say about the trail. Mostly straightforward, especially in the beginning, when E1 and Kungsleden (a popular long distance hike) share the same path. A bit more slow going as the day proceeds. 

I leave early for two reasons: one is the weather forecast, which predicts rain for the afternoon, the other is, I need to keep going. Besides my pack, with more than 20kg way too heavy, I also start to overthink, putting even more pressure on my shoulders. That is why I get up at four, stuffing a Müesli into my mouth (despite not being really hungry) and start walking at half past four. With my brain cells still occupied thinking about the border crossing, the upcoming bad weather and the rock fields, time flies. After walking five hours non-stop, I force myself to take a short break. Mosquitoes make it not exactly a relaxing break.

With the wind picking up, my second stop three hours later is much more enjoyable. The views are much better, too.

Soon afterwards, just as I am crossing the border, a shower passes through. A sign for me to look for a campspot, which I find close to Cunojavri Hut, right after crossing another not very trustworthy looking bridge. 

Timing is great. As soon as I finish my dinner, it starts raining again. 

This Abisko bench somewhat reflects the way I feel
This Abisko bench somewhat reflects the way I feel
On the way to Unna Allakas
On the way to Unna Allakas
Passing some Sami (?) settlements
Passing some Sami (?) settlements
A common sight
A common sight
Last bridge...
Last bridge...
... before setting up my camp
... before setting up my camp

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