Holmtjonna to Hykelneselva
Distance: 30km
The forecast was right. Unfortunately. Strong winds and rain. An unlucky combination, which is supposed to last the whole day. During my last summer here in Scandinavia, I think I never had to pitch or pack my tent in rain. This year, it already happens after my first night. Hopefully not a bad sign.
It's raining horizontally by the time I stuff my dripping tent into a plastic bag - glad it's not out in the elements anymore.
The day starts as it ended yesterday. Navigating through wrinkled terrain (I can't find a better way to describe it), backtracking frequently because I stand in front of a small cliff respectively a hidden lake. It becomes frustrating. 2 kilometers on the map takes me 4 kilometers in real life. At least I need to concentrate so hard that I almost forget it's raining and taken off guard when I spot a moose with it's calve ahead of me.
After crossing a bellybutton deep river/lake (I couldn't find another way through) going gets easier on flatter, albeit especially wet swamps. Luckily there's a bit of road walk halfway through the day. Better progress and a break for my tired feet and legs. The first few kilometers have taken their toll. From 0 to 100 in 2 days. Really no time for a warm up.
Soon it's back to off trail. Luckily the terrain is easier going this time and progress good. Even the sun is shining briefly while I climb out of the valley.
Eventually, I cross Alma river. Much further upstream than suggested in the trail notes. I was a bit worried earlier today as it might be tricky to ford because of the rain. However it is no challenge at all.
After 10 hours of walking, I start looking for a place to set up camp. Rain, wind and wet terrain don't make it easy to find a suitable spot. The higher I go, the dryer the ground, however the strong, gusting wind up there is the prohibiting factor. Like a good Swiss man, I make a compromise. Somewhat sheltered in the lee area of a hill yet reasonably dry. In fact I'm quite pleased with my camp spot.
With my tent pitched and dinner cooked, I retreat into the tent quickly. Hopefully the nasty weather will leave me alone tomorrow.
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