Granfjellssätern to Östfjällsstugan
Distance: 20km
The coming weeks will be very different. Flatter, more forest, more towns, more culture. Not worse or more boring than the previous parts. Just different. I'm honest: I will miss
the Fjell - the mountains. The views. The solitude. But I am also looking forward for a change.
Back to the now: it's a late start after a extremely rainy night. It's only 20 kilometers lying ahead of me. So no rush. After a uncommon breakfast, I leave my sheltered, warm
place. The trail is wet. Actually, I am not sure if it's a river or a trail. No rain but clouds accompanying me until the next hut, where I meet a father and son, who envite me
for coffee. An hour later, we are on the way again. Even though they are headed in the same direction and I thought I would take it very slowly, I quickly leave them behind. I
guess when you spend so much time hiking, there's not such a thing as 'slow hiking'.
Weather improves, the trail stays wet and bumpy all the way. In fact it's quite undulating terrain and I did a good amount of vertical meters. Once I get closer to my designated
camping spot, more and more people are crossing my path. Mostly families enjoying the sunny Sunday afternoon. I'm definitely getting closer to civilization, where I will arrive
tomorrow, after a short 8 kilometers hike. Check in time at my little cabin is 11:00. So it's going to be a late start again tomorrow.

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Rob (Tuesday, 10 August 2021 19:35)
Often, the vast solitude, peace, and emptiness of the wilderness is where you find yourself.