Day 201: A Plane In The Sky

Bocca della Selva to Taburno

Distance: 50km

A wonderful evening and suitable ending of Day 200 with a little bit (too much) local Liquor. 

I feel like a train wreck, when I pack my stuff. It's only 04:30 when I have coffee with Umberto, who kindly gets up early to say goodbye.

The day starts with a steep descent, with spectacular views of the foggy valley below, followed by a mostly flat middle part, walking through vineyards and the odd olive trees. I am listening to music, with my eyes chasing a bright orange easyJet Airbus lazily descending towards, what I assume, Napoli. It's at this very moment I somehow feel fully at peace. Happy. Maybe the combination of these factors make me feel this way. This feeling comes quickly, unexpectedly. And as quickly as it came, it disappears again. And it's definitely gone, once I am stuck in a massive construction site. New highway or rail road it seems. A déjà-vu. Happened to me just south of Hamburg. 

The site is fenced in, I throw my backpack over the fence, then climb under it. Twice. I don't like doing it. Feels wrong. But walking back feels even more wrong.

I reach buzzing Solopaca in time for the daily lunch time downpour. Just before it starts bucketing, I have a chat with some local kids playing football on the main piazza. Then we all seek shelter. Once more I use the time wisely. Writing the blog for my trusted followers ;)

Then it's up again. Back above 1000 meters above sea level. As always, these last kilometers are tough. It's drizzling but nothing dramatic. The forest left and right of the road is full of picnic areas. Finding a place to camp is super easy.

I settle in. Perfectly flat spot within beech forest, no cell phone reception. A welcome change. 

Once more beautiful morning views
Once more beautiful morning views
Fog in the valley
Fog in the valley
Now that's something I didn't expect here!
Now that's something I didn't expect here!
Olive trees
Olive trees
Lively village
Lively village
Getting quiet during the rain
Getting quiet during the rain
Tranquility in a stretch of beautiful beech forest
Tranquility in a stretch of beautiful beech forest

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    George Mills (Monday, 12 June 2023 11:34)

    Some train wreck. 102. Hope the liquor was worth it. So you finally found an E1 sign so you must be in the correct place. All the best.

  • #2

    Rob (Monday, 12 June 2023 11:36)

    Tenā koe e hōa mā. Yeah when E1 marker appears in the most obscure place. You're right - it would be as odd as finding a TA marker in New Plymouth haha.
    Who knows!?

  • #3

    George Mills (Monday, 12 June 2023 12:09)

    I'm happy. Thanks

  • #4

    FredyKoster (Thursday, 15 June 2023 15:44)

    Yes, one more lovely picture of a morning. And a E1 sign, so you are on track :)


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