Vibo Valentia to Mimosa Campground
Distance: 35km
The long day yesterday left some marks on Maria's feet. Not the beach walk but on the last 10 kilometers on the road she caught some blisters.
So we take it slow today as we leave Vibo Valentia. The surrounding of first few kilometers to a place called Aeroporto looks rather depressing with many buildings that were never completely finished. A landscape of concrete skeletons.
The scenery improves as we follow a quiet, windy road towards Nicotera. People are greeting us. I can imagine not many tourists, especially hikers, find themselves in this area, located a few kilometers inland. While walking the road and coming around a corner, we notice that the hills of Sicily are visible through the hazy air. An extremely emotional moment for me. A moment I have been waiting for a long time.
Every now and then we stop so Maria can treat her blisters. In Nicotera we treat ourselves with an ice cream. While eating it and admiring the scenery two South Tyrolean cycles that we briefly met on Falerna campground two days before, come around the corner. Super friendly people who are cycling the length of Italy. We have a nice chat and then they carry on. Their goal today: Sicily! But they don't get far. A couple of hundred meters later, they surprise us with a few beers. How cool is that!
Some more interesting talk follows. They sure are enjoying their retirement.
It's then definitely time to say goodbye. We carry on down to the beach, walk in the pine forest behind it all the way to the campground. A big one. Certainly the biggest I stayed so far in Italy. With a swimming pool, bar and restaurant, it brings back childhood memories from our camping holidays on Italy's east coast.
As I am writing this, I am sitting in a comfy beach chair, looking at Maria swimming in the sea. The sea breeze keeping me cool. A great feeling after a day in southern Italy's summer heat.

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Fredy Koster (Thursday, 22 June 2023 22:54)
That for sure was a interesting and wonderful day. Finally Sicily is raising at the horizon.
Take care both of you.