Day 74 (16): Short term planning

Ovre Bessevatnet to Buadalen

Distance: 30km

My rain measuring tool, aka my cooking pot, says roundabout 17mm of rain overnight. Less than expected but still enough.

The wind last night made my tent rock and roll. However, it hold up just fine. Just the rain fly leaking kept me initially busy. With my pack's raincover and my rain jacket, I was able to (surprisingly) keep most of the water out of my inner tent.

I wasn't expecting to sleep a lot, but was still able to sleep every now and then.

The rain stops at around 6. Earlier than expected. Still, since already planned a lay in, I stay in my sleeping bag, squashing mosquitoes waiting for me between inner and outer tent. It's rather addictive, oddly satisfying. 

The mosquitoes get their revenge once I crawl out of my tent, pack and leave.

The weather is a mix of sun and clouds, the trail a bit of everything. Rocky, muddy, snow, rivers. After my long day yesterday, going is a bit hard. My feet hurt a little, making every step an effort.

To distract myself, I am thinking of tomorrow, when I will cross a highway. Since I skipped my last resupply, it's high time for me to hitch into town to stock up on food. I'm pondering which direction I should hitch, whether I should stay in town for the night ect, ect.

What I came up with is: hitching west to Roldal, food for 6 days and not staying in Roldal. Somehow, I have to charge my batteries though. I will figure that one out when in town.

This short term planning is something I like doing. Keeps my mind busy. Not just with shopping but also the route, where to camp and so on.

Speaking of camping: after 30 kilometers I am done walking for the day. One steep, final climb takes me on a pass. The views spectacular. So that's it. My spot to camp. After yesterday's focus on a sheltered place, today, I am looking forward to enjoying the views.

Low hanging clouds. A reminder from last night's storm
Low hanging clouds. A reminder from last night's storm
Mosquitoes taking revenge
Mosquitoes taking revenge
Clouds lifting
Clouds lifting
Muddy. Te Araroa feelings coming up
Muddy. Te Araroa feelings coming up
But generally it's pleasant walking in a nice landscape
But generally it's pleasant walking in a nice landscape
Plenty of snow left
Plenty of snow left
Climbing these super wet snowfields is hard work
Climbing these super wet snowfields is hard work
One last steep climb up a ravine
One last steep climb up a ravine
Being rewarded with some lovely views
Being rewarded with some lovely views

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Fredy Koster (Wednesday, 24 July 2024 05:40)

    This clouds are spectacular as the scenery. And a lot of snow still at almost end of July. Would be interesting to kmow if it will melt away completely later in the year.

  • #2

    George Mills (Friday, 26 July 2024 04:14)

    Good yo see you didn't forget your mosquito net.


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